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Olympic Flame Jordan
AlBaher Arabic Language CenterSponsor
albaherarabiclanguagecenter Icon
Al Baher Arabic Language Training Center employs a team of college-educated, experienced, and credentialed staff to provide fun and friendly teaching services. Our center’s reliable and professional standards are maintained by our motivated bilingual, well-trained, native Arabic speaking instructors with over ten years of experience in their respective fields.
+962 6 593 5596 | View ProfileAmman, Amman Jordan
Philadelphia universitySponsor
philadelphia university Icon
Philadelphia University is a university in Amman, Jordan. ''Philadelphia'' is the former name of Amman. The university was founded in 1989. It is located 20 km out of Amman on Jarash Road
962 6 479 9000 | View ProfileAmman, Jordan
Marifa Wings AcademySponsor
Marifa Wings Academy Icon
Marifa Academy is an institution licensed and established in 2020 in response to the challenges facing the educational process in light of the Corona pandemic, which made education in its traditional form impossible. Believing in the importance of education as an essential for progress developments in the world, our institution has set out to provide the Arab world with various educational programs targeting all age groups and educational stages. In addition to the training programs that target a wide range of different sectors to sharpen their practical skills in the latest scientific fields such as engineering, management and teaching.Marifa Academy provides a large set of free high-quality courses and training programs.
+962 7 9149 2104 | View Profileamman, Jordan
Mid-East Aviation AcademySponsor
Mid-East Aviation Academy Icon
Mid-East Aviation Academy was founded in 2000, located in Amman / Amman civil Airport and owned By a private sector. MAA is considered one of the important flight schools due to the high level of Education and training modules submitted by the most qualified and trained aviation’s instructors. Since Then, the MAA has gained its reputation and growth in a fast pace steps due to their strategies that Consistent with the Academy’s vision and mission in which aim to graduate a qualified pilot and Aviation engineers and be ready to serve widely in different international aviation fields.Phone Number:00962-799709026
00962-799709026 | View ProfileAmman, Jordan
Watad Icon
Watad seeks to aid students across all regions to succeed and excel in their General Secondary Education Examination with a modern and simplified approach.Watad provides a comprehensive study plan for each subject of the curriculum, which includes:-Easy-to-use categorized lectures delivered in a smooth style by a selection of distinguished teachers.-Exercises and solutions to help students fully grasp the subjects.-An interactive environment with teachers and educational staff.-The platform is usable on computers, smart tablets, or mobile phones.
+962788334399 | View ProfileAmman, 11116, Amman Jordan